Author Topic: Utilities pricing key to adoption  (Read 1797 times)

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Utilities pricing key to adoption
« on: September 02, 2010, 06:04:08 PM »

Offline Nick

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EMC is looking to offer utilities pricing through its Vblock solution that helps to accelerate the adoption of private cloud computing.

Dennis Hoffman, Senior Vice President, Virtual Computing Environment Coalition, EMC Corporation, said the company plans to encourage it partners to recruit more value added reseller (VARS) in the Asia Pacific including Japan region to offer its VBlock solution, from 10 to 20 companies by the end of this year and to 35 by 2011.

Moreover, the company will use EMC Executive Briefing Centres (EBC) in Singapore to provide VBlock solution details and proof of concept to support and engage potential customers.

Meanwhile, it will leverage available space to demonstrate Vblock solution in Centre of Excellences (COE) in Bangalore and Shanghai.

To invest in Vblock solution for supporting the virtualisation of data centres and private cloud journeys, customers will also looks to alternative financing programmes such as leasing, company equity, revenue sharing, utilities pricing models and capacity on demand.

"The easiest way to introduce utilities pricing through EMC and its partners will be to implement the system to the customers with a minimum charge level first of all and then charging more depending on the increase in capacity, Hoffman said.

Par Botes, Chief Technology Officer at EMC Asia Pacific and Japan, added that the cost of investing in the system upfront is not the main issue for technology vendors. In fact, he said the risk is EMC's concern. Misinformed capacity planning is the main issue when customers don't use the system as expected.

Virtual Computing Environment, or VCE, is being adopted in many countries in Asia Pacific including Japan, such as the governments in Japan and China and universities in India.

Uptake of VCE is mainly due to the increase of connecting devices and objects that react with data centres, along with cost-saving in hardware consolidation.


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